How To Use LocalStorage in AngularJS

February 28, 2017

How To Use LocalStorage in AngularJS

So when I started the Fair Offer Project to help people fairly compare their job offers, I decided to start by saving data locally.

Thus, I wouldn’t have to worry about adding complexity with a database backend.

Angular JS shield logo

This way I could focus on only the front-end tooling but still save job offer information.

Step 1 – Find a LocalStorage plugin to use

The first step was to find an Angular library that would let me hook into local storage. I eventually found angular-local-storage.

I’ve never used it but it had 2000+ stars on GitHub and code commits within the last several months. Hence, I thought it looked like it was being well-maintained.

So I decided it was a reliable library to use.

Step 2 – Configure bower.json and install

The next step was to add the file locally via bower.


So I added the file below in bower.json.

"lodash": "~4.5.1",
"angular-local-storage": "~0.2.5"


I also needed to add a require statement to incorporate the dependency properly.


I also needed to add a reference to LocalStorageModule to the list of angular dependencies.

module.exports = angular.module('fairOfferApp', [

Step 3 – Make the Angular controller aware of the dependency

Finally, to polish off the install, I needed to inject the dependency into the Angular controller.

.controller('fairOfferCtrl', [ '$scope', 'localStorageService', function ($scope, localStorageService) { ... }

Step 4 – Add a function to save to LocalStorage

Now, I could add some code to the Angular controller to enable a saveLocal function.

This function allowed me to save data to local storage in the browser.

isSupported) {
$scope.saveLocal = function() {
  localStorageService.set("factors", $scope.factors);

Step 5 – Get the saveLocal function working

The last step was to add it to the HTML template view.

  <td colspan="2"><button ng-click="saveLocal()">Save Local</button></td>


Enabling saving data to local storage in the browser was a matter of finding a well-maintained Angular library. Then I just had to get it working with the front end tooling with webpack.

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Written by Bruce Park who lives and works in the USA building useful things. He is sometimes around on Twitter.